Our Clients
We work with leaders, teams and individuals across all sectors - what our clients all share is a desire for deep and authentic leadership rooted in hope for realizing their potential.
If you are:
A leader who sees potential in your team and yourself and believes in doing the work it takes to reach it
A team who wants to grow and be challenged in authentic spaces
An individual who is new to leadership or wants to explore their own leadership potential
An experienced leader who wants to refresh and build on their own leadership practices
We build customized work plans to meet your needs. Personal, team and organizational goals shape the work, not the other way around.
Some sample projects:
Ontario Ministry of Education Over the course of 18 months, we worked with three different school boards to research the impact of a coaching culture in public education leadership. Working with researchers from the ministry, we facilitated workshops, set targets, did individual and team coaching, and learned together about how to be better leaders. The results were completed in December 2019, and you can read more about the project here.
"The positive impact of this work on our team’s development individually and collectively has been extraordinary. I have experienced first-hand the difference it has made to the efficiency of our work together operationally, and as a result, our ability to stay focused on board priorities with respect to learning, student achievement, and well-being."
-Tamara Nugent, Director of Education, Wellington Catholic DSB
Peel Regional Police Department Using the organizational goals and strategic plan, we designed an ongoing multi-faceted project to enhance and deepen the culture of self-awareness, authenticity and coaching among the leadership teams. Through 1:1 coaching, supporting top leaders, civilian development programs, small team coaching and supporting the development of leadership training programs across the organization, we are already seeing cultural transformations in this ongoing work. Read how we're building a coach-like culture in policing here.
"As a direct result of the work we have been doing I am more intentional in creating space for others to expand their leadership abilities. I am more aware of the need to listen to different perspectives and more conscious of the impact of my actions and inactions on people and circumstances."
-Marc Andrews, Deputy Chief of Police, Peel Regional Police
Southridge School We designed and implemented a three year program to support and leverage the strengths of the leadership team across academic and non-academic roles centered around building a coach-like culture. We developed an increased ability to work together and communicate effectively with their teams, as well as more self awareness and engagement in service of the faculty, students and parents across the school. Even through the challenges presented by the pandemic and its impact on education, we continued this work because the leadership team decided it was more important than ever.
"I am a better listener than I ever have been. I have an aspirational vision that I want to work towards. It has been empowering to discover that often, the answers we seek are within ourselves already, and we just need good conversation, with good listening, and good questioning to get us there."
-Darren Jones, Assistant Head of School, Southridge School
Some current & previous clients:
Some kind words:
Andy D. Rodford, Director of Senior School and Deputy Head of School, St Michaels University School, BC
Jo-Anne Kingston, Head of School, Aspengrove School
Lily Seto, Principal, Lily Seto Coaching and Consulting
Francine Pilon, Superintendent of Education, Bruce Grey Catholic District School Board