The Vision

  • You will understand and practice leadership presence and strategies connected to building connections with self, others, and the community.
  • You will explore - and continue to explore - your values and leadership strengths.
  • You will set personal leadership goals.
  • Michael Bungay Stanier’s book, The Advice Trap, will provide the foundation to examine and apply ‘coach‐likeness’ as a leadership tool. With an emphasis on increasing curiosity and slowing down your advice to others, we will build skills such as deeper listening, more effective questioning, and using a coaching model to shape your leadership impact.
  • You will actively apply and practice skills and strategies, particularly those related to being more ‘coach-like’, in Leaders' Coaching Circles.
  • Together with the other leaders, you will co-create the plan for meeting and the topics for the Leaders Coaching Circle.

Schedule & Suggested* Content

*Subject to change as we work together and clarify your current leadership needs