heart on computer keyboard

Are you living a passion-filled life?

February is a month for love and passion! And this month, I’m taking time to reflect on my own life. Am I living a passion-filled life? Does my work light me up? Am I carving out space for the things […]

The Gifts We Bring

As we tumble toward Christmas, the stores begin to push the gifts that we absolutely need to buy for our loved ones. In an attempt to balance this commercial overwhelm, our family tries to focus on sharing what we have […]

Some thoughts from the dock…

Recently, I had some ‘dock time’ and could dive into Peter Hawkins’ most recent book, Leadership in Team Coaching Practice, – one that I also have a chapter in, written in partnership with Dr Catherine Carr, and Chief Nishan Durraiappah, […]

Deep breath- Lean into the learning…

This is the time of year when I work from Mexico. I continue with my coaching, have meetings and focus on learning and growing, both as a coach and as an individual. I was struck yesterday by the reminder that […]

Purpose and the “Miscast Bell”

We had the opportunity to visit Mission Hill Winery as we made our way across the country – headed to a new chapter and home. I was struck by this winery on so many levels – its beauty, its views…its […]

To Coach or Not to Coach – That is the Question!

Recently I sat across the table from the boss of a leader I was coaching. The three of us were having a lunch meeting and part of the agenda was for the coachee to share with her boss what she […]